Wednesday 25 September 2013

Adsense vs Chitika vs bidvertiser vs Yllix.Which ad network is best and which pays more???

Hi everyone and welcome back !!  Hope you enjoyed my previous post. Lets deal with the ad netwotks in this post. There are many cpc,ppc ad networks out of them Adsense,bidvertiser,chtika and yllix are popular.

Q;How much do adsense/chitika/bidvertiser and yllix pay????

Ans: Well! It's quite necessary to know how much an ad network pays.

Adsense:: This is the most paying ad network. They have very high cpc rates and pay to blogs even with less                 traffic.They pay via check and payment threshold is 100$. It's quite easy to earn 100$ even with a                 blogspot blog also. But the thing is you should have some traffic.
 Typical earnings with adsense::   Even though it depends on different bases like cpc,country etc, i will try to give some information on how much will adsense pay.. For example, your blog has/website 1000 unique visitors a day, then your earnings with adsense will be nearly 1-2 $ a day. If those unique visitors are from USA, then your earnings will be nearly 4-5$.

Disadvantages:: (CONS):: Though it is the bets ad network , it also has some drawbacks.

1) They don't pay via paypal,payoneer or any other online transfer. They pay only via post which may take time and even cause problems. 

2) The terms and conditions are damn too problematic for the website owners and bloggers. But , if you follow the rules and conditions, then this ad network is best for you..

Chitika::   This is also a good ad network and pays somewhat high. The problem in this ad network is this ad network allows only text ads for normal account. For premium account, it pays more and displays imasge ads and rich ads...They pay via Paypal,payoneer etc..

Typical Earnings with CHITIKA::   Chitika also pays good rates for every click.You can earn upto 1-1.5 $ for every thousand unique visitors.

Bidvertiser:: This ad network is good in showing the report but wiil not pay much .They dispay image ads and rich ads and even popunder ads, but the pay less.They pay via Paypal,payoneer etc..

Typical earnings with bidvertiser::   Bidvertiser pays very less rates. You can earn upto 0.5 $ per day if you have 100 inique visitors per day.

Yllix:: This is a new ad network and pays good. They are slowly developing and they have good cpc rates. They also pay via paypal,payoneer.

Typical earnings with YLLix:: You may earn upto 1-2 $ for every 100 unique visitors.

            These are the reviews of the ad networks....

Rankings:: I've tried allthese ad networks and i've given rankings according to my opinion.


2) Yllix

3) Chitika 

4) Bidvertiser.

              Thanks for reading . Having doubts??? Feel free to comment....